Trail Conditions

Genesee SnoPacker trails are Closed

Trail C4G. Large water hole behind East Pembroke fire hall.
Trail C4G. Deep/Large water hole between rt 33 and Wilkinson. Water is knee high!
Trail S49A. The field at Casey rd and rt. 63. Drainage pipe being buried. Field super rough.
Trail C4F. Large water hole In Woods between Bowen rd and rt 98.

Trail S47 in ELBA off Edgerton Rd. 8” manure line on the trail. Property owner working on a temporary reroute. Please do not run manure line over and cause damage to it.

If you see a trail needs maintenance in anyway (tree fell and needs to be moved, stop sign missing, trail marker broken etc) please email us at

PARKING AND UNLOADING SPOTS: Rusty Rail, Darien State Park

Link for Groomer Tracking